Gone Phishing

Gone Phishing

Rethinking the Role of Human Behavior in Cybersecurity Breaches (with Connor Swalm)

May 08, 2024

On today's episode, Connor Swalm (CEO - Phin Security) delves into the complex relationship between human behavior and cybersecurity. He challenges the widespread industry approach that blames human error for security breaches and advocates for a more holistic view of security responsibilities. In this solo episode, Connor provides valuable insights into the importance and limitations of security training, the role of technology in supporting human actions, and the importance of creating a security-conscious culture.


- Human behavior is a significant factor in cybersecurity, but blaming individuals for breaches oversimplifies the issue and ignores systemic weaknesses.

- Effective security awareness training goes beyond compliance and should aim to genuinely engage employees, making them active participants in securing the enterprise.

- The assumption that accumulating more data will facilitate better predictions of human behavior is questioned, highlighting the unpredictable nature of human actions.

- Simulating real security threats and engaging employees in practical scenarios can dramatically improve preparedness and response to actual incidents.

Want to find out more about Security Awareness Training? 

Check out Phin Securities: phinsec.io/

Connect with Connor on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/connor-swalm/