Invest in Progress

Invest in Progress

Ocado: when retail meets robotics

March 01, 2023

We speak to Ocado about how its futuristic technology and platform have cut the cost of preparing home deliveries and unlocked vast opportunities in the grocery market.

In this conversation, Ocado’s co-founder and CEO, Tim Steiner, speaks with Scottish Mortgage’s deputy manager, Lawrence Burns. They discuss the enormous complexities involved in delivering groceries, how the firm stays innovative by avoiding complacency, and the origins of Ocado’s name.

UK consumers often characterise Ocado as being ‘upmarket’, given that they have been able to order Waitrose and Marks & Spencer’s goods from its site. But the firm also provides behind-the-scenes automation to the supermarket chain Morrisons in the UK and other brands across the world. Ultimately, Ocado aims to drive efficiencies that will reduce the price of the goods sold by all its partners.

With AI and robotics at its core, Ocado is one of the most exciting companies in Scottish Mortgage’s portfolio. From swarming ‘hives’ of robots within its fulfilment centres to its constantly-updated ‘smart platform’, the firm’s technology makes deliveries ever faster and more efficient, reducing food waste and making shopping a smoother experience for all involved.

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See the robotic hives in action:

Ocado - A company with artificial intelligence and robotics at its core - YouTube


  • Presenter: Claire Shaw
  • Audio production agency: Listen
  • Producer: Phil Sansom
  • Executive producer: Suzy Grant
  • Production manager: Niamh Kidd
  • Editorial lead: Malcolm Borthwick