It Tastes Like Freedom

It Tastes Like Freedom

Latest Episodes

How to Set Boundaries that Heal | Ep.27
October 20, 2022

Youve probably heard a lot about boundary setting and most likely much of that information is potentially damaging to yourself and to your relationships. Join Chanci in a conversation about setting boundaries that empower and heal.

Heal Your Relationship With Food To Heal Your Life! | Ep.26
October 13, 2022

When you heal your relationship with food and your body everything will shift! Youll start showing up for yourself like never before!

Strength Based Living When it Feels Like Your Body is Betraying You With Nancy Dueck | Ep. 25
October 06, 2022

How do you love your body when it feels like shes betraying you? Join Chanci and her special guest, Nanci Dueck, as they explore this issue through the lens of living with PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder).

The Urge Jar | Ep.24
September 29, 2022

Sometimes the simplest of things can make all the difference! This has been Chancis experience with The Urge Jar!

Emotional Eating – What Are You Truly Hungry For? | Ep.23
September 22, 2022

Its time to eliminate the shame and stigma around emotional eating and to begin to see it as the opportunity it is!

Empowering Yourself When Your Partner Looks at Porn | Ep. 22
September 15, 2022

As youre doing the work to heal your relationship with food and your body you will inevitably encounter circumstances that feel overwhelming. Ones that crush your heart and feel like theyve set you back big time on your path to healing. For many women h

Better Than Healthy | Ep.21
September 08, 2022

HEALTHY - This word is everywhere and if you pay close attention it usually has to do with losing weight or being thin. This is diet cultures marketing at its finest and has the potential to create a lot of distrust in ones body, massive confusion and e

How to Not Diet with Special Guest Celeste Mackenzie | Ep. 20
September 01, 2022

Growing up surrounded by fat phobic messages and the diet cultures lies is HARD! Join Chanci and her teen daughter, Celeste, as they chat about Celestes personal experiences with her own food struggles, how she found freedom and how she now lives intent

My Boyfriend’s Wandering Eye | Ep.19
August 25, 2022

Its guaranteed that youll experience setbacks in your journey of Embodied Eating thatll make you feel like you want to scream screw it! It sucks but cant be avoided so lets make sure youre equipped!

Stop Trying to Love Your Body with Paula Bonaccorsi | EP.18
August 18, 2022

Have you ever thought “How in the heck am I ever going to love my body when I really don’t even like her?” Trust me, this is a question I (Chanci) hear all the time. We are inundated with messages of body love and positivity and so many women feel crappy