Health Orchestration

Health Orchestration

Latest Episodes

Sexual Types
May 21, 2023

I think sexuality is something that needs to be talked about more in general. Just the act of talking about it is really helpful if maybe you're having in your marriage some difficulty, say, with frequency or even, are you both satisfied in the sexual

Narcissistic personality disorder
May 21, 2023

Narcissistic personality disorder is a mental disorder. The most common thing that you see is this inflated sense of their own importance. They need admiration from others, they don't have empathy for others. A lot of people think that behind that mas

May 21, 2023

Meditation can be anything as long as it is bringing you into a heightened state of awareness, focused attention, and it's helping you feel calm. People maybe have this misguided representation of what meditation actually is or what it's supposed

May 21, 2023

We are going to get into materialism, and so we're going to kind of tie this into mental health. If you are too focused on material issues, material wealth, it can be the accumulation of money. People tend to be less happy, and we'll go into that

Masculinity and Feminism
May 20, 2023

Talk about feminism and masculinity. So I think it's a good topic to discuss, maybe just kind of from the aspect of how it's evolved over the years and kind of what it looks like today. And well, you're going to notice as you hear mark talk, t

Marriage Advice
May 20, 2023

This week, we are going to talk about marriage advice, or as we said last week, the longer version, characteristics of long term effective relationship. It's dr. Burton's favorite topic, and it's a topic joy as well. I think who you choose to

Marital Boundaries
May 20, 2023

Are going to get into marital boundaries. We all know that we need, need boundaries with everybody outside our marriage. We have to create boundaries with our in laws, with our own parents. But what about the boundaries that are in marriage? And I think b

May 20, 2023

We did a three-part episode on the big three in marriage, and one of those was sexuality. I wanted to touch on this idea of intimacy as more than just sexual, right?

May 19, 2023

Gears a little bit and we're going to talk about longevity. And this topic came about because it's something that mark has been really into lately. And so he is in that age of life where you want to see your grandkids grow. So I'll let you tel

Left Behind
May 19, 2023

Curtis: it's rare for one person to think everything's fine and then all of a sudden someone's leaving the relationship. He says often women hide the fact that they're really unhappy in the relationship because they don't have the conn