Behind The Deep State

Behind The Deep State

Latest Episodes

Honoring History & Heritage That Deep State Seeks to Erase: First Landing 1607
May 01, 2023

The Deep State is trying to erase America's amazing Christian history and heritage as part of the effort to eventually destroy the United States, explains The New American magazine Senior Editor Alex

GLOBAL Central Bank Digital Currency Coming Soon? 
April 24, 2023

The International Monetary Fund and the Bank for International Settlements are working at the global level to radically reshape the monetary and economic system of the world, warns The New American ma

UN Plots Giant Power Grab to Deal With “Global Emergencies”
April 17, 2023

The United Nations, Bill Gates and other powerful Deep State actors are plotting an enormous power grab that would put the UN and its agencies in charge of global emergency response for everything fro

Controlled Demolition of the Dollar?
April 03, 2023

Governments around the world are making rapid and significant moves to abandon the US dollar in international trade, part of the broader deep state agenda to displace the United States as the global h

“It’s a Trap!” Bringing Homeschools & Christian Education Under Control
March 28, 2023

The education establishment and even the United Nations are manipulating conservative Americans desperate to get children out of government schools into a trap that will eventually obliterate genuine

JBS Tip of the Spear Vs. The Deep State
March 13, 2023

Only one non-church organization has been truly exposing and fighting the diabolical Deep State since the 1950s and it remains the tip of the spear in that battle today, explained John Birch Society V

Feds & Schools Use “Suicide” Programs to Groom Kids
March 06, 2023

The federal government is funding various programs including through schools that, under the guise of combatting "suicide," are grooming children for the LGBT agenda and encouraging gender confusion,

Biden & UN WHO “Pandemic Treaty” Will Crush US Sovereignty
February 27, 2023

The Biden administration and the World Health Organization are conspiring with governments around the world behind closed doors to foist a massive "International Pandemic Treaty" on Americans and all

How the U.S. Education Department Weaponized Schools Against US
February 20, 2023

A bill has been filed in Congress to shut down the U.S. Department of Education, which as The New American magazine's Alex Newman explains in this episode of Behind The Deep State, has been a critical

Deep State End Game: Bio-digital Convergence & Transhumanism
February 14, 2023

The nightmarish Deep State vision for the future is more horrific than most can even imagine as technology advances, warns author and The New American publisher Dennis Behreandt in this episode of Beh