War and Peace in just 7 years (WAPIN7)

War and Peace in just 7 years (WAPIN7)

Latest Episodes

S5E9. Dress Down Friday
March 30, 2022

Casual clothes day, dress down day, own clothes day, free dress day, non-uniform day, uniform free day, wear what you want day...Whatever you call it, it might be a day you look back on fondly, remembering that time you wore your favourite jeans to school

S5E7. Mud, Blood, and Biscuits
March 02, 2022

If you've assembled an IKEA cupboard or two you'll know how essential good, clear instructions are. They really can make the difference between having an attractive, sturdy cupboard, or finding yourself poisoned, shot and starving after a monume

S5E6. Pierre's Perfect Pilgrim Party
February 16, 2022

Pierre the perfect pilgrim pleaser pleases pilgrims perfectly in this week's perfectly priceless episode of WAPIN7.PAUSE!"Pierre? Perfect!? " You proudly protest!Well yes! Pierre is a perfect, polished, patient, professional, pleasant, punc

S5E5. Free The Smurfs
February 02, 2022

This week we're talking Serfs - the indentured workforce of 1800s Russia, bonded to a lifetime of hard labor for zero pay as they slowly die from preventable diseases in their rat infested hovels.We'll be asking "Is that really that bad?&qu

S5E4. Meta Letter
January 19, 2022

We just got a meta letter!I wonder who it's from?A letter inside another letter!I wonder who it's from?!A letter longer than time itself...I wonder who it's from!!A special special meta letter that's super extra long!WHO IS IT FROM?!?!

73. St. Partiesburg
January 05, 2022

Warm up your mouth, polish your teeth and fill your lungs because it's time to party! Yes that's right, you are invited to another sensational Anna 1 get together where your hips absolutely will not do the talking, but your lips certainly will. 

72. Think About It!
December 22, 2021

We've all joined ultra secretive societies before. We all know the drill: box of bones, blindfold, various sets of gloves with incredibly specific uses, a trowel, some aprons, secret hieroglyphs, an unknowable mystery, various states of undress and o

71. Parlay With The Pirate King - Book 5 Begins!
December 01, 2021

Ahoy me hearties! What better way to start Book 5 than with an old sea shanty!One sad man in a very sad placeYo ho ho and a bottle of vodkaEnter the Pirate King with a large round faceYo ho ho and a bottle of vodkaWho is the Pirate King? What does he want

70. Special: The Monkey's Paw
November 24, 2021

What happens when you take a boring old monkey paw, fill it with magical evilness and exactly three wishes, and give it to an unsuspecting family who like playing chess and listening to the wind? Will they wish for world peace? Will they wish for the worl
