War and Peace in just 7 years (WAPIN7)

War and Peace in just 7 years (WAPIN7)

Latest Episodes

S6E6. The Secret Of Happiness
August 17, 2022

Prince Andy is on the hunt for happiness but in order to find it he simply must experience ambivalence, nihilism and straight up unhappiness first.This episode is sort of like a football match. But instead of two teams playing football, it's actually

S6E5. The Dance of Destiny
August 03, 2022

We've been to soirees, parties, even a casual ball or five during our time with War and Peace. We've watched as The King of Sauce set the dance floor on fire, we've seen kids doing backflips to impress other kids, we've applauded out o

S6E4. Will You Money Me?
July 20, 2022

Some marry for love. Some marry for a protracted negotiation around dowry payments, up front deposits, cash incentives and share options. Some choose not to marry because they don't love someone. Some choose not to marry because the dowry payments, u

S6E3. Dear Diary
July 06, 2022

Dear Diary,My name's Pierre and I'm in my 20s, maybe early 30s, I'm not really sure. I've had a strange few years, I swapped my wife for a pile of bones and then I built a hospital out of money and sticks. Now I'm a senior guy at

S6E2. The Whole World In His Hands!
June 22, 2022

All together now!He's got the rights of the people, in his hands!He's got plump white hands, for his hands!He's got a strange way of talking, in his hands!He's got the whole world in his hands!///patreon.com/wapin7 - Spring into action

S6E1. Hot Hot Spring - Book 6 Begins!
June 08, 2022

Were back! Its officially Volume 2, its officially 1808, its officially spring. Indeed, the spring has never been springier in this spring-time spring spectacular. Peel off precisely one layer, go for a walk, and get ready to feel the full force of sp

S5E13. Special: The Murders In The Rue Morgue - Part 2 of 2
May 26, 2022

You've been hanging on to that cliff for too long!It's time for us to set you free and reveal the murderer! Or MURDERERS!!This week it's all about windows and doors and locks and nails and hair but mainly windows and locks and doors and di

S5E12. Special: The Murders In The Rue Morgue - Part 1 of 2
May 11, 2022

Move over Sherlock, pipe down Poirot, check yourself Miss Marple - there's a new detective in town and he's the real og.This week we meet the incredible deductive mind of August Dupin - a sexy, forceful and profoundly arogant amateur detective c

S5E11. Book 5 Catch-Up Quiz
April 28, 2022

You look down at your large red powerful hands. You clench one into a  fist and pump it triumphantly into the air! You've finished Book 5 of War and Peace and rightly want the world to know about. "What next?!" You scream."I need more!

S5E10. Peace out! - Book 5 (+ Vol 1!) Finale
April 13, 2022

It's the end of Book 5 AND the end of Volume 1 of War and Peace - and there are just so many unanswered questions:Will Denisov escape the law?Will peace last forever?Will the surfs ever truly be free?Why was that hospital so awful?Will Nicky get an a
