Ripples Of Influence

Ripples Of Influence

Latest Episodes

Leveraging Relationships for Learning Opportunities
September 09, 2021

In this bonus episode, Pelumi talks on how critical and vital to our success learning from people ahead is.

Winners Actually Don't Quit
September 07, 2021

90 Days Productivity Bootcamp Day 38 Podcast Epsiode with Pelumi Olawole. On this episode Pelumi talks on the higly misconcepted motivational quote "Winners don't quit".

Implementing Lessons
September 06, 2021

90 Days Productivity Bootcamp Day 38 Podcast Epsiode with Pelumi Olawole. On this episode Pelumi shares on the importance of taking action on the lessons we learn.

Flight Episode
June 24, 2020

Ripples of Influence Invite!
