Ripples Of Influence

Ripples Of Influence

Latest Episodes

How Do You Read A Book Per Week?!
February 04, 2022

Numbers will help you break down large goals into bits and chunks that are easily achievable. Understanding this gets you in the front door, it is commitment and grit, and intentionality that will see you through.

Boosting Your reading Comprehension!
February 03, 2022

Day 1 of the 12 Day reading Challenge!

February 02, 2022

Day 33 of 365 - begin each moment with a positive thought. Today is your day to do anything you want! You may be feeling a sense of confusion or perhaps you're feeling a sense of positivity, whatever it may be, try to see the light in it.

Think Win-Win
September 16, 2021

What human interaction paradigm do you operate with? Win-Win, Win-Lose, Lose-Win, or Lose-Lose?!  Pelumi talks on the importance of incorporating both courage and consideration in our human interaction framework to create a Win-Win situation where people

Put First Things First
September 16, 2021

On this episode, Pelumi shares on the importance of scheduling our priorities versus prioritizing our schedule, and the ultimate thing in managing ourself against managing time.   (Excerpts from lessons from 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Begin With The End In Mind
September 15, 2021

On today’s episode we review the second chapter of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey.

September 14, 2021

It’s day 45 of 90 Days Productivity Bootcamp, and we are halfway through the bootcamp. Talks are on how far we’ve come and what to expect on the flip side of the journey.

Be Proactive
September 12, 2021

On this episode, Pelumi shares on the importance of taking responsibility and taking charge of our circumtances, focusing on the things in our circumfrence of influence like Covey taught in 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

Weekend Groove
September 10, 2021

What do they say about the weekend

Small Wins, and Reward
September 10, 2021

Pelumi shares on the importance of tracking your progress on the way to achieving your grand goals, and rewarding yourself for the small wins.
