Audio bursts of a business artist

Audio bursts of a business artist

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Book review: Uncopyable
April 17, 2020

there’s another way to succeed in the market. It’s based on your ability to create your customers’ attachment to you.

Book review: Oversubscribed
April 06, 2020

The whole purpose is to focus on these customers and serve them better than anyone else: to delight those who value and want what you’re doing more than anything else. The process to become oversubscribed concentrates on understanding who are these people

Book review: The effective hiring manager
February 17, 2020

The book walks through the whole recruitment process and gives enough practical guidance to plan and execute hiring in detail. It takes the view of hiring manager who’s responsible of the new recruitment and provides tips how to involve and handle the HR

Book review: Supertrends
January 29, 2020

Supertrends reminds us to look into those lingering things that barely move when you focus on them but are huge when compared to the historical already happened changes.

Practical business books
January 16, 2020

Much of business is about to-do items and practical steps to follow. The below books belong to this category of getting things done but no point re-inventing the wheel

Book review: Category creation
January 13, 2020

Category creation is a business strategy where the company is focusing on marketing the category by focusing on the new problem in the industry more than the actual solutions for it.

Book review: Survival to Thrival
December 12, 2019

Survival to Thrival is a practical and rather hands-on guide for founders, investors and executives that are in the middle of enterprise startup growth.

Book review: Range
September 26, 2019

The path to great discoveries and success is not always paved with grit and specialisation. Generalist may be slower in life to bloom but more weird and wicked their world become the better they tend to perform compared to specialist.

Book review: Loops
September 09, 2019

Loops is about the iterative processes of human-centered business design where you turn ideas into reality with a systematic approach.

Book review: Startup Scaleup Screwup
September 01, 2019

Serial entrepreneur Jurgen Appelo has managed to put together a practical guide that gives you the latest tools and practical knowledge for a high growth venture. The book is packed with agile and lean community techniques and best practices.
