Audio bursts of a business artist

Audio bursts of a business artist

Latest Episodes

Virtual everything and virtual first strategy
May 15, 2020

Virtual everything and virtual first is something very serious and urgent. You cannot appreciate it fully unless you’re immersed into the new and unfamiliar. It takes courage and humility. Errors will be made and they are for all to see.

Warp speed and snail slow
May 14, 2020

Sometimes it’s healthy to do short sprints and consciously do leaps that don’t feel natural. This is one of those times. What feels like a brave thing to do now seems obvious and lame in retrospect. It’s just a matter of perspective.

Who wants to travel anymore
May 13, 2020

The future of business travel may be more local and earthbound. It’s more comfortable to travel by car, train or boat in short hauls provided that you’re keeping within the green zones such as Baltics. Trust is a high currency now among people, nation-sta

Everyone is a few seconds away
May 12, 2020

There’s no reason to favour someone just because they are a few kilometres away from you. Or limit your reach just because it’s convenient or familiar.

What not to do after quarantine
May 11, 2020

Some of the gains and productivity progress achieved may have been temporary victories if they are not fought over. Habits take a long time to form and the lockdown period may not have been long enough for that.

The new post-corona world
May 08, 2020

It requires friendliness and encouragement towards small and fragile. It expects thick skin and moral backbone to resist the temptation of favouring incumbents and old solutions. It accepts the fact that something new is strange, different and unfamiliar

Coping with post-coronavirus realities
May 07, 2020

The whole process of going through the different stages of the coronavirus crisis has shown weaknesses, stress points, structural, managerial, political and systemic challenges or mere blunt misconducts and ignorance in our society. It has shown that we

Second-order consequences of post-corona new normal
May 06, 2020

Second-order effects are category-defining, paradigm-shifting and changing the course of many product categories, habits and values for good. They are big changes that may seem to approach slowly but yet their coming is a certainty, it’s just a matter of

Post-Corona new normal
May 05, 2020

Our reality shifted permanently in early 2020. As always, the future was not evenly distributed among the population immediately.…

Which version are you now?
May 04, 2020

Instead of stacking numbers in the increments of one, we could also use something else to perceive our life. Some years back another friend told me he has only a few dogs left. I did not understand at first what he was saying.
