Istorya Nu Ivatan

Istorya Nu Ivatan

Latest Episodes

June 29, 2020

Taytu makuhat dyaya du Batanes! It's time to harvest tree fruits, like the delicious chayi. Time to go fishing. And, normally, time for students to head back to school. However, due to the coronavirus

Vyay du Savidug
June 12, 2020

Kapian kamu pa nu Dius! Welcome. Nyaya am istorya naten. In our first episode we talk to residents of Savidug about how the coronavirus pandemic has changed their lives. We hear from youth, local farmers and those separated from close family members abou.

June 07, 2020

Yapu du Savidug, Sabtang! A program from Ivatans, for Ivatans. Join us for stories, discussions and impressions about life in Batanes and throughout the global Ivatan diaspora. First episode coming soon. Maysisirin ta na!
