BRIGHTSPOTSRADIO with Sandra Laura Manuela

BRIGHTSPOTSRADIO with Sandra Laura Manuela

Latest Episodes

Episode 9: Interview with Eric Pearl
June 09, 2020

Dr. Eric Pearl is an American spiritual leader, he has been featured in top media including The Dr. Oz Show, The New York Times and CNN. His internationally bestselling book, The Reconnection: Heal Others, Heal Yourself, now in over 39 languages, and...

Episode 8: Interview with Marie Diamond
June 09, 2020

In this episode, Sandra Deakin talks with one of her Brightspots 'Marie Diamond'.Marie Diamond is a global transformational leader and teacher.As a feng Shue master Marie has guided many international celebrities to harmonise the energy in their...

Episode 7: Interview with Liesbeth List (Dutch)
June 09, 2020

Liesbeth List leidde een tumultueus leven, dat begon in Indonesië. Daar werd ze als Elisabeth Driessen in 1941 geboren. In die oorlogsjaren groeide ze op in een Japans interneringskamp. Haar moeder pleegde kort na de Tweede Wereldoorlog zelfmoord. Ze...

Episode 6: Interview with Michael Beckwith
June 09, 2020

Michael Bernard Beckwith is a New Thought minister, author, and founder of the Agape International Spiritual Center in Beverly Hills, California, a New Thought church with a congregation estimated in excess of 8,000 members.

Episode 3: Interview with Deepak Chopra
June 05, 2020

Hi everyone this Sandra Deakin and I welcome you to the next episode of Bright Spots Radio Podcast.In this episode you can hear an exclusive interview I did with Deepak Chopra, an Indian-born American author and alternative medicine advocate. A...

Episode 1: My Palace
June 05, 2020

Episode 2: Interview with Lynne McTaggart
June 05, 2020

In this episode you can hear an interview I recently did with Lynne Mc Taggert, an award-winning journalist and the author of several books.She is consistently voted one of the world’s top 100 spiritual leaders for her ground-breaking work with...

June 04, 2020

Hello and a very warm welcome to you!I'm Sandra Deakin and this is BRIGHTSPOTSRADIO. I'm here to offer you conversations, practical tools, and insights so you can create your best life! And express your true magnificent being. These podcasts are here to.
