BRIGHTSPOTSRADIO with Sandra Laura Manuela

BRIGHTSPOTSRADIO with Sandra Laura Manuela

Latest Episodes

Episode 26 : HONOR YOUR ROOTS (and they will honor you)
May 31, 2021

OUR ROOTS OUR CURSE or OUR BLESSING ?Sometimes we want to run away from our roots because we feel trapped or stuck in life by them.We often blame them for our pains and the heavy load they have almost cursed us with.But what if I tell you that by honoring

Episode 25: Homeopathie onbekend onbemind ? (Een gesprek met dokter Léon Scheepers)
April 24, 2021

Vaak is iets wat we niet kennen onbemind.Sandra praat met dokter Léon Scheepers over zijn boek ‘Lijfwacht’.Dokter Scheepers is in Vlaanderen en Nederland één van de grondleggers van de homeopathie. Hoe kan homeopathie in deze onrustige tijden haar steentj

Episode 24: Becoming bigger than your obstacles
April 13, 2021

Life changing times can be dark, dramatic and chaotic.In this episode Sandra shares her wisdom on transforming times and how transformation is simply an invitation to become bigger than your obstacles.

Episode 23 : Tap into your phenomenal power
March 02, 2021

Want to discover your inner sacred source towards more power, freedom and joy as a woman ?Listen to this episode on how to reconnect with your deeper wisdom,power and joy as a woman. 

Episode 22 : Brightspots with Byron Katie
February 02, 2021

Sandra Deakin has an inspiring and uplifting talk  with Byron Katie.This american teacher and author is wordlwide known for her method on questioning your thoughts.According to Byron Katie  life on earth can become hell or heaven just by the way you think

Episode 21: Schaamteloos jezelf zijn
December 21, 2020

Sandra deelt haar inzichten en geeft zeer practische levenstool zodat jij jouw beste leven meer creëren. In episode 21 heeft ze het over de superkracht van zelfliefde en hoe je bij meer eigenliefde kan komen zodat je schaamteloos jezelf kan zijn.

Episode 21: Become Your Own Best Lover
December 16, 2020

Discover the superpower of self-love.In this episode, Sandra shares her own experience on self-love and offers some practical tools so you can tap into the superpower of self-love and start creating a brighter life for yourself.

Episode 20: Interview with Brandon Bays
December 02, 2020

Many years ago as a journalist, I met this amazing lady from New York. I fell in love with her. She became my Bright Spot, and she created a very special method that supports people who are struggling with depression, blocked emotions, and traumas. So bec

Episode 11 - From Shame to Self-Love
June 15, 2020

Do you know we all play the game of shame...It keeps us small, frustrated, and inauthentic. In this episode, Sandra Deakin shares her story and how she transformed shame into self-love. Get inspired to live your brightest life.

Episode 10 - Becoming Stronger Than Fear
June 09, 2020

Sandra Deakin offers brightspots so you can live your best life. Learn to master your fear in challenging times.
