10K Collective e-Commerce Podcast

10K Collective e-Commerce Podcast

Replens Challenge Part II of II

April 14, 2023

In this episode we get a real-time update from Jason – he’s in the middle of managing a 5 day challenge for e-commerce sellers. Anyone wanting to develop their Amazon business with a customer challenge, or thinking of running a live event, whether to sell products or training, should have plenty to learn from Jason’s experiences this week. He’s got 400 participants – in this episode we’ll find out how it’s going, what behind the scenes lessons he’s learned, and even mistakes he’s made (and how he’s recovering from them).
What you’ll learn

What an online challenge is – and why consider managing one.
Considerations for how long to run a challenge – the duration question.
The goals and priorities of online challenges
The psychology behind challenges
How the Penny Gap applies to challenges
How Clickfunnels can be used for online Challenges

Resources for Amazon SEO
Keyword Research/Keyword Ranking

Taki Moore
Book recommendation: $100M
Pedro Adao is the expert on challenges