Coaching Conversations

Coaching Conversations

Latest Episodes

Understanding and Developing Our Resiliency
May 29, 2020

In this special episode Paul and Tom discussed the importance of understanding and developing or resiliency. This very important life skill is especially relevant today. Explore how Paul and Tom have developed their own sense of resiliency and learn how

Exploring The Goal Ecology
May 24, 2020

When helping clients set goals, it important for them to think about and consider how their goal and/or actions will affect or impact others around them. In this episode, Tom and Paul explore goal ecology and how to help clients set goals with others in..

Setting Meaningful Goals
May 21, 2020

Helping people gain clarity and focus is a key aspect of being an effective coach. In this podcast Tom and Paul discuss the importance of helping clients gain meaningful goals that inspire and lead to action! Tom and Paul also provide some quick tips...

Using Metaphors as a Coach
May 13, 2020

Using and encouraging the use of metaphors in coaching conversations, is a great way to help your clients think more deeply and creatively about their situation, goals and actions moving forward. In this episode Tom and Paul introduce the topic of using..

Exploring the chemistry between you and your coachee
May 07, 2020

A coaching engagement is a professional relationship based upon trust and connection.As a coach it is important that you are skilled at building rapport and connecting with your clients so that they feel safe sharing their thoughts, feelings and ideas...

Developing Coaching Presence
April 30, 2020

Coaching presence is about being and remaining fully conscious and fully present during coaching conversations. This seems like an easy concept to grasp but its not so easy to put into practice! In this episode, Tom and Paul discuss how to develop your...

Helping our Coachees Set Inspiring Actions
April 24, 2020

One of the fundamental roles of a coach is to help clients obtain their goals. In order to do this, it is essential that clients are able to take action. Very often taking action can be challenging because it requires focus, time and energy.  To ensure...

The Importance of Emotional Intelligence as a Coach
April 18, 2020

Developing your level of Emotional Intelligence (EI) is a powerful way to enhance the quality of your life, relationships and success in business. In this episode, Tom and Paul discuss and make the linkage between emotional intelligence and effective...

Using the GROW Model
April 15, 2020

In this episode Paul and Tom introduce the GROW model and how to use it in a coaching conversation!  The GROW model is probably the most commonly use coaching model around the world. This four step process helps create structure and process to a...

Coaching in a Time of Crisis
April 14, 2020

In this episode, Tom and Paul discuss their thoughts, strategies and recommendations about how to coach effectively in times of crisis. With the uncertainty and turmoil that has been brought about by the COVID19 virus, many people are experiencing...
