101 Homeschool Ideas

101 Homeschool Ideas

Latest Episodes

Social Media, Technology, and Homeschool Ep 72
May 18, 2015

Have you noticed how your children seem to natively migrate to technology and seem to have come to this earth with an innate understanding of how techy stuff works? It is frightening! -   - As parents there are so many things that we worry about when...

2 Critical Mindsets for Homeschool Parents
May 15, 2015

2 Important Mindsets for Home School Parents

10 Reasons Parents Read to Their Children
May 09, 2015

Ep. 70 deals with the benefits our children get when we read to them on a regular basis. Regardless of how old your children are, you should be reading to them. Even children as old as 12 and 13 can benefit from this great tradition.

Ep. 69 Read. Read. Read.
April 30, 2015

How do you help a student that all of a sudden has to miss a lot of school for health reasons (or any other reason for that matter)? You HOMESCHOOL!

Carole Joy Seid and Homeschooling Made Simple
April 22, 2015

Homeschooling made simple is the best way to describe Carole Joy Seid's approach to home education.

Can You Homeschool If You Work Full-time?
April 16, 2015

I have received several emails and comments from parents that work full-time but still want to homeschool their children. They have asked for some tips on how they can effectively homeschool while still working full-time.

Ep 66 5 Homeschool Pitfalls
March 11, 2015

There are so many things we feel like we have to know before we start homeschooling. Well, let me give you 5 things that you have to avoid in order to be successful in your home education adventure.

Ep. 65 Goofy Games
March 05, 2015

Games are a major part of how a child learns. They learn math, cooperation, and social skills. Most importantly, children learn how to be a family. Here are 5 games that you should play with your children and watch your relationship blossom.

Ep. 64 Homeschool and Fear of Failure
March 04, 2015

Homeschool parents can be afraid of lots of things. They might be afraid of how their children's performance reflects on them as parents and teachers. They might be afraid of losing control of a situation or losing a sense of safety by separating from ...

Ep. 63 Five Lessons from Teachings
February 26, 2015

Today’s episode focuses on 5 critical lessons I have learned from my career as a teacher. There are so many things that we learn as we spend time with children in a parenting or teaching capacity. I was going to call this the TOP 5 LESSONS ABOUT TEACHI.