0-$4 Million: A Startup's Bootstrapped Journey To A Seven-Figure Exit

0-$4 Million: A Startup's Bootstrapped Journey To A Seven-Figure Exit

Latest Episodes

065 – Everything You Need To Know About Personal Branding With Kamal Hyman
April 08, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - Kamal’s 4 Steps To Personal Branding Excellence

064 – How To Outsource Customer Service
April 07, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - How Virtual Valley outsources customer support - How you can outsource your customer support

063 – How To Start A Twitter Scandal
April 06, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - How I caused a Twitter Scandal - How you can cause a Twitter Scandal

062 – How Much Money Did Virtual Valley Make In March?
April 05, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - How much money Virtual Valley made in March - How far Virtual Valley has to go in their journey to a 7-figure exit

061 – Virtual Valley’s Q1 Review & Metrics Refresh
April 04, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - How Virtual Valley is actually doing - The new metrics Virtual Valley will now track each week

060 – Technical CoFounder Hunt – The Final Stages
April 01, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - Who are the final Virtual Valley technical cofounder candidates - EXACTLY what the responsibilities of this technical cofounder will be

059 – Why Is Tom Doing This? Guest Interview By Brandon T Adams
March 31, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - The reason why Tom is doing all of this - How Brandon can supercharge your crowdfunding campaign

058 – The Secret Behind Virtual Valley’s Explosive Twitter Growth
March 30, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - The secret behind Virtual Valley’s explosive Twitter growth - The one free tool you can sign up to today to boost your account’s growth

057 – Should Virtual Valley Charge It’s VA’s?
March 29, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - Whether Virtual Valley will be starting to charge it’s VA’s to join the platform

056 – How Adam Callow Went From Salesman To Venture Backed Startup CEO
March 28, 2016

In this episode of 0-$4 Million, you will learn: - - Adam’s story from salesman to eCommerce store owner to CEO of Expert Trades - Why Adam is tracking their journey in AWESOME podcast: Startup Diary