The C.O.W.S.
The Context of White Supremacy welcomes Pascale Diverlus live from Canada. Ms. Diverlus is the Vice President of Equity at Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario. She and a group of black Canadians organized a protest in response to the decision not to indict the White killer of Michael Brown, Jr.. They created a Facebook event titled: Black Lives Matter: Toronto. On the page they listed explicit stipulations for White and non-black people to follow if they planned on participating. "Please refrain from taking up space in all ways possible. Remember that you are there in support of black folks, so should never be at the centre of attention. Stand behind black folks or between us and the police." Their counter-racist code ignited a significant White backlash. Some Whites accused them of being reverse racists and segregationists. We'll ask why they implemented these rules and how Racism has impacted them north of the US border. INVEST in The COWS -
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