Get Real

Get Real

New Construction Lease Options

September 17, 2006

Get Real - New Construction Lease Options






John Speas - Intequity

This week’s interview brings us an individual who has built a company on an interesting approach to real estate investing. John provides a service that matches buyers that aren’t able to purchase today, builders who want to sell today and investors looking for mid to long-term growth. This truly is a win-win-win! Just as importantly listen to John explain how he chose this path. He looked at what his strengths were and what he likes to do and built a system based on it. To find out more about what John does or for questions email him at

Listner Email

Mike from NH told us about his plan to invest in real estate. This guy has it all together at 17 years old. He proves it doesn’t matter what your age or station in life. Everyone with a plan and purpose can make things happen.

Eric from San Fran gave us his story about cashing in on the hot California market and converting it to cash flow in a linear appreciating market.

Marty from Il asked about choosing short sales as a strategy at his age (23.) He was curious if he would be able to work with homeowners in need.

Dare to be Dumb

Lynn tried out a new skip tracing company as an affordable way to find the owner of vacant homes.

We worked on a couple of new short-sales..

Future Shows

Credit restoration with Attny Mike Devine.

Gary Brevko on Private Money.

How to Pick and Realtor and how to pick a Property Manager.


Send us an email ( )telling us 1. what part of the country you are in, 2. what type of investing you do or are interested in, 3. what one feature you would like added to the website.We will be drawing 5 entries at random for FREE Get Real t-shirts.

As always you can find us at

And Remember… Get Real.

Judson and Lynn

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