Beyond 50 Radio Show

Beyond 50 Radio Show

EPISODE 431 - The Myth of Autism: Medical Solutions & Real Hope

April 17, 2013

For Beyond 50's "Medical" talks, listen to an interview with Dr. Michael J. Goldberg. He's considered a "lone wolf" in the medical community for his findings. Dr. Goldberg will talk about why Autism cannot be genetic, psychological or developmental, but a symptom of a treatable neurological disease from viral and fungal infection. Specifically, it is caused by a dysfunction in the neuro-immune system and often by secondary neurotropic viruses (potential Central Nervous System herpes viruses and their family of viruses) that are impacting the neuro-immune system, brain and digestive system. Illnesses such as Autism, ADD/ADHD and chronic fatigue syndrome all have different "labels," but are actually variations on the same thing: neuro-immune dysfunction syndromes (NIDS) that are treatable. Visit and sign up for our free E-newsletter.