Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, s

Your Boss Blows - Learn how to Earn Money Online through affiliate marketing, niche blogging, SEO, s

MFM-Episode7: Interviews for over six figures of income and 250,000+ sub.-David Siteman Garland

February 27, 2015

One Awesome interview with David Siteman Garland who is a successful host with ultra popular Blog Show called The Rise To The Top where he interviews successful Mediapreneurs and entrepreneurs.. He answers a few questions:

1. Why should you do a video podcast and not just audio?

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a free video player like Youtube instead of using a paid one like Wistia?

3. Should you get your show transcribed?

4. How long did it take David to make a living off his show? 

and so on.

It is therefore up to you to view the interview



What’s in this show…

The Talk to The Top (Discount affiliate link)- Check out David’s event where he’ll have some of the top interviewers in the industry teach how to grow your audience and make money doing interviews. If you buy before the weekend’s over you can get a 50% discount on your ticket. Over the past few years, I’ve tried everything to create side-by-side video interviews on a Mac. Made stupid, costly mistakes. Wasted money. Spent all kinds of time to figure out the perfect settings, etc. Tweaked. Tweaked. Tweaked. And then, finally got it all right & now I’m passing on that knowledge to you. With this tutorial you will be able to “steal†The Rise To The Top look.

The Rise to The Top – David’s awesome show where he interviews entrepreneurs and creates some kick-ass content. The Rise To The Top is all about helping aspiring/rising mediapreneurs (mediapreneurs are personal brands, coaches, speakers, experts, Internet marketers/information marketers, authors, etc.) grow their biz like a weed & dominate online created/hosted by me (Hi, I’m David Siteman Garland) for you

Create Awesome Interviews  (affiliate link) – David’s course that teaches you everything you need to know if you want to setup your own interview show. If you have any questions about it let me know as I’m a graduate from his course. So, you want to create your own interview-based web show. Awesome!

Now, my guess is you are probably in one of the following categories of peeps who want to host their own show:

  • #1: You are an aspiring host-prenuer. Meaning, you want to start an interview-based web show & somehow turn that into a business (i.e. get paid for it)
  • #2: You are a blogger or other content creator who wants to add interviews into your content mix (to build relationships, offer more amazing content to your subscribers, increase subscribers…heck become even more of a celeb in your niche)
  • #3: You are an entrepreneur/mediapreneur who wants to support your current business (drive more leads, build relationships, etc.)
  • #4: You just want to start a show for fun and see where it goes.

Regardless of what category (or categories) you fall into, you are DEFINITELY in the right spot.

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