Yard Talk

Yard Talk

Ep 24 - Yard Talk Holiday Edition

December 16, 2015

On tonight's episode, Mike Yard is celebrating Kwanza. . .(once he figures out what it really is).

'Tis the season of giving, but how much is too much? For those that celebrate Christmas, is spoiling the kids acceptable during the holiday? When "Santa" brings our children gifts, should we be considerate on what message we're sending to the less fortunate or is that part of the "Pussification of America"?

The Yard also discusses love for your partner: is it conditional/unconditional? Does unconditional love exist?

Hear what Mike Yard, Luna Tee, and Carla Keyz has to say about it all on our last show for the year! Calm your reindeers, we'll be back Wed, January 13th, 2016!

Happy Holidays, Yardlings! It's Yard Talk, Baaaaaabyyyyy!
