What to Say When Things Get Tough

What to Say When Things Get Tough

"Oh Yeah, You Blend" - Part 2

March 24, 2022

We’re back this week with Part 2 of my interview with Amy Stone, a life coach – not a therapist as I incorrectly referred to her last time – who specializes in working with adults in blended families.

Last week we focused on my relationship with my fiancé Raquel’s younger children. This time we look at the relationships each of us has with the other’s older children as well as the relationship between the two of us.

You can learn more about Amy and the services that she provides on her website at amysaysso.com.

Thank you to Jim Cirillo of jimiumgroup.com for our original music and to Rachel Greenberger for our original art.

If you have any thoughts or ideas for topics you’d like us to cover, or questions you’d like to ask, please send an email to wtswtgt@gmail.com.

Follow us on Twitter @wtswtgt.
