What to Say When Things Get Tough

What to Say When Things Get Tough

To Forgive is Da Bomb

September 09, 2021

Welcome back to What to Say When Things Get Tough. I hope you enjoyed a safe and healthy summer.

As our first guest back we’re joined by Andrea Mason, a personal accountability coach to whom I was draw because of the importance she places on forgiveness when it comes to communicating effectively in difficult situations.

After all, if we don’t learn to forgive as we employ the skills and techniques necessary to win people over when they’re angry, worried and suspicious of everything we say, chances are the old problems are just going to recur over and over again. Enjoy!

If you're interested in her services, the best way to reach Andrea is through her website at www.andreamasons.com (don't forget the extra "s" at the end of her name).

Thank you to Jim Cirillo at jimiumgroup.com for our original music and Rachel Greenberger for our original podcast art.

Please send questions to wtswtgt@gmail.com and follow us at #wtswtgt.

And now that we're back from hiatus, it's a perfect time to rate, review and subscribe. And, to tell all your friends!
