What to Say When Things Get Tough

What to Say When Things Get Tough

Why We Play the Lottery

December 09, 2020

Most people are perplexed by big numbers. We're just not good at comprehending millions, billions and trillions, and that can trip us up when we need to communicate effectively in difficult situations. In this episode, we discuss why we have such trouble with big numbers (which does help to explain why we continue to play the lottery even though we'll never win), how they influence our perception of risk, and some techniques for the proper use of big numbers in difficult communication situations.

We'll be back with new episodes in the new year. I hope everyone enjoys a happy and healthy holiday season.

Thank you to Jim Cirillo at jimiungroup.com for our original music.

Thank you to CC Snetsinger for our original art.

Please send questions to wtswtgt@gmail.com and follow us on Twitter at #wtswtgt.

