What The Fuck Is Going On?

What The Fuck Is Going On?

Populism Extravaganza

December 07, 2023

0:00 - 1:16 Intro

1:17 - 2:04 Today's Headlines

2:05 - 11:15 GOP Debates

11:16 - 20:25 Florida Dems Cancel Primary

20:26 - 27:44 Geert Wilder Netherlands

27:45 - 43:45 Javier Milei Argentina

43:46 - 1:05:25 Conor McGregor and Ireland Riots

1:05:26 - 1:18:54 Robert F. Kennedy Jr./PBD Town Hall

Intro Music Courtesy Of Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio

Link to RFK town hall with PBD

Russel Brand on Irish Nationalism full clip

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Full video + clips available on YouTube one day after audio upload.
