Write Now with Sarah Werner

Write Now with Sarah Werner

Latest Episodes

How To Develop Themes In Your Writing - WNP 090
September 02, 2020

This week we’re focusing on the literary element of theme. Theme can be expressed on purpose or by accident, and added to your work while you’re creating it or afterward. How can we be intentional about the themes in our work — and why should we be?

Maybe Your Day Job Is Okay - WNP 089
August 26, 2020

Are you ready to leave your day job and become a full-time writer? This episode discusses the pros and cons of what writing full time looks like, and helps you set expectations for yourself.

The Dangers Of Comparison - WNP 088
August 19, 2020

The comparison race will always be unwinnable. This episode discusses six ways that comparison can be dangerous and how to overcome those dangers to find a path that is right for you.

PR For Writers - WNP 087
August 12, 2020

We’re talking about marketing again! This time, we’re digging into PR (public relations), how to get discovered as a writer, and finding what works for you when it comes to interacting with fans and peers.

What Do Writers Owe the World? WNP 086
August 05, 2020

As creators, what do we owe the world? And what do our readers want and expect from us? There’s only so much time and energy in one day -- so should we be using it to write, to interact with fans, to market? This episode discusses the importance of prot

Marketing Part 2 - WNP 085
July 29, 2020

In part 2 of the marketing series, you will discover how to create a comprehensive marketing plan that suits your needs and aligns with your goals. Ready?

Marketing Isn't A Dirty Word - WNP 084
July 22, 2020

What's the difference between a book that sells and a book that doesn't sell? I didn't know it at the time, but that difference was marketing. In this episode we will take a deep dive into the world of marketing.

Fear Of Success - WN 083
July 15, 2020

Do you find yourself self-sabotaging, or unconsciously not allowing yourself to grow to your full potential as a creator? You might have fear of success — and yes, it's 100% a real thing that holds us back without us even knowing it.

What Should I Write Next? - WN 082
July 08, 2020

"Which one of these projects should I write next?" If that question frequently floats around in your head, this episode is for you. I'll help you decipher which projects to tackle and when!

Writing As Leadership - WN 081
July 01, 2020

You're a writer — but do you think of yourself as a leader? In today’s episode we talk about the 3 keys to being a successful leader through your writing.
