Work Stew Podcast

Work Stew Podcast

Latest Episodes

#53: Documentary Filmmaker Michelle Paster
December 26, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. I typically feel a special affinity for people who can't fully process the phrase "work-life balance"; it implies that "work" is somehow distinct from "life" in a way that's never r

#52: Mid-life Law Student Laura McKenzie
November 30, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. Given that some law students, struggling to find jobs after graduation, are now suing their alma maters, I was surprised to discover via Facebook that a high school classmate of mi

#51: Professional Slackliner Mich Kemeter
November 13, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. About a year ago, Mich Kemeter performed the feat captured in this photograph: he crossed a slackline suspended 3,000 feet above the Taft Point gully in Yosemite National Park—wi

#50: Election Judges Richard Fann and Teresa Edwards
November 06, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. Elections that are free and fair don't just happen by themselves. Across the country, legions of people across thousands of precincts are employed to set up and manage the voting pr

#49: Rhyne Armstrong on Scripting Scares
October 25, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. Some of you will remember my big get from January when Santa Claus, one of the world's most famous seasonal workers, granted me an interview. This interview also focuses on seasonal

#48: Ex-Spy Lindsay Moran Talks ‘Homeland’
October 06, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. I have a distinct weakness for workplace dramas of practically any quality, and the really good ones—Mad Men, Dexter, Homeland—have the power to consume me completely until ever

#47: Social Worker Kristin Beckstrom Radcliffe
September 21, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. This interview is intended primarily for listeners of the Manic Mommies podcast. Recently, an episode of that podcast "disappeared." (This could happen to anyone. There are a lot of

#46: David Plotz, Editor of Slate
September 07, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. The online magazine Slate produces a lot of excellent podcasts; the ones I listen to religiously are the Political Gabfest, the Cultural Gabfest, and the Double X Gabfest. And as I

#45: Goat Wrangler Tammy Dunakin
September 03, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. Work-wise, it's easy to get in a rut, to think that you can't do anything other than what you've done in the past. But of course people reinvent themselves all the time—sometimes

#44: Cirque du Soleil Artist Jonathan Morin
August 28, 2012

Listen to the interview by clicking the arrow on the audio player below. Work Stew's essays and interviews have covered a lot of ground, but with a handful of exceptions, most of the site's contributors are people whose work involves a lot of sitting dow
