Work Less, Earn More

Work Less, Earn More

Ep 186: The #1 CTA for Your Website

October 03, 2023

In today's episode, I'll be addressing a question from one of our valued Startup Society members, Stacey Beebe. Stacey's dilemma centers on the primary call to action for her website's homepage. Should it guide visitors directly to course information, her ultimate goal, or entice them with a free downloadable resource to collect their contact information for a monthly newsletter? This question is crucial because it's all about directing website traffic effectively.

I'll delve into Stacey's two choices: diving into course details or opting for lead generation through free resources. To make an informed decision, Stacey needs to consider the profile of her website visitors and their likely intentions when they land on her homepage. Chances are, they'll explore, scroll, or click around before making a purchase decision. But what we’ll be the best choice so she can nurture these leads over time, building trust and eventually converting them into course buyers?

Listen to the full episode to hear:

  • Identifying the most effective call to action
  • Optimizing your homepage for enhanced sales performance
  • Discovering the two key areas on your homepage where visitors are most likely to click

FREE Resources to Grow Your Online Business:

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