Working With Drones

Working With Drones

WWD Podcast – Episode 11: Jason Hagon at GeoDrone Survey

November 07, 2017

Published November 6, 2017
Our guest is Jason Hagon, who is a Director at GeoDrone Survey!  With a geospatial background from the University of Aberdeen and ongoing research efforts with the UAS Centre for Environmental Monitoring and Mapping (UCEMM), Jason began GeoDrone survey along with his partner Jonathan Adams in 2016, and have seen some great early success.  Their drone mapping efforts have included a flight mission on an archaeological site in Morocco as part of the Trans-Sahara Project, which we discuss in detail during this episode, among other items.
Some of the topics covered in this podcast episode:

* Drones and archaeology
* Structure from Motion (SfM) methods
* Advice from a startup founder 
* Challenges of operating UAVs internationally
* Flight planning considerations


Mike Morellato is the lead author and founder of  He works with drones and their data at Strategic in Campbell River, BC (Canada). 
