Words from Nerds – Same3Guys

Words from Nerds – Same3Guys

Words from Nerds 246: 5-6-7-Hit

June 25, 2014


Consumer tech gets better and cheaper all the time. We’re nerds. We admit it. And we also love marching band. So we combined those two loves to record video for our high school’s band. This turned out to be a huge hit with the director and students. And they used the footage in ways that we had not expected. So we ran with it and are looking at ways to channel our inner Scorsese to take it to the next level this year. We’ll talk about our experiences and ideas to see how they compare to what you may be doing for a volunteer group, community or school function of your own.

Hosts: Tom Kresic, John Kresic, Mike Kresic

Running Time: 36:19


True story. A guy was stuck at the Las Vegas Airport recently and found a fun way to kill some time. With just him and his iPhone.

And #TBDBITL was featured in an Apple commercial for their use of iPads to create those killer half time shows. But not everybody has their budget, so…


Featured Story: Channeling our inner Scorsese

  • Consumer tech has become an enabler for so many things. Here is a sample of how we’ve used it in the last year to chronicle the high school band. (we’re not the only ones either)
  • Marching Band – record video of field performances

    • press box shot that Director uses like game film to critique band performance
    • on-field close-ups to let the kids see themselves
    • GoPro to create those one-of-a-kind views that add a wow factor and humor element

  • interviews with Seniors and Director, out-takes, freshman orientation
  • Produce DVD for parents and kids as a memento of their year
  • Parades, band shows, pre-game warmups, band camp
  • Story-board your ideas. Because you will miss some moments when they happen if you didn’t plan for them (Senior Night, for example).
  • Drum Corp International (DCI) is the cream of the crop. Students tour the country all Summer. Don’t miss it if it is in your town. It’s becoming an annual tradition for our high school band.

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