Wisdom of the Wounded

Wisdom of the Wounded

Latest Episodes

Infertility is a Journey Not a Race
October 06, 2020

by Lisa Braunius If you had told me when my husband and I decided to start a family that our journey would take place over six years, I would have laughed an uneasy laugh, leaning towards denial of the truth. Or,

My Post-Election Pledge – Will You Join Me?
September 23, 2020

When the presidential election returns are counted and a president is named, I wonder: how will people react? Some people will be happy; others will not.  I am concerned that there will be more of what we’ve witnessed this year: chaos,

Practicing Self-Care: 10 Tips for Dealing with a Bad Day
September 14, 2020

Are you having a bad day? Or perhaps even just a horrendous hour? Here are my favorite ways to release the feelings of being uptight when life gets me down. Any of these ideas are a good way to practice self-care. Name It.

10 Tips for Supporting Your Spouse After a Layoff
September 03, 2020

By Carolyn Lowstuter When my husband was fired from his job, it through us both for a loop. Thankfully, that difficult time is long past. Here are ten things I learned about how to support your spouse after a layoff. Don’t read too much into emotions.

Caring Gestures for an Unemployed Friend
September 03, 2020

At the time that I write this, our country is experiencing especially large job losses due to the COVID 19 pandemic. But even after we rebound from this pandemic, there will always be the unfortunate situation of unemployment.

What Should We Say to an Out-of-Work Friend?
September 01, 2020

Job loss is painful. Research indicates that for many, losing a job may trigger an extended period of grief, similar to losing a loved one to death. With millions of people who are unemployed each year, each of us probably knows someone who is out of a...

Let a Cancer Patient Speak Their Truth
August 20, 2020

My husband Larry and I have known Steve for over thirty years and every time I have seen him, he has a big radiant smile on his face.  His words match his smile as he offers cheer to everyone. Sadly, during the past two years cancer has invaded his lif...

Light a Yahrzeit Candle on the Anniversary of a Loved One’s Death
August 20, 2020

When I attended Western Theological Seminary, I was befriended by a man named Stan, one of my professors. As the years went by, Stan and his wife Nancy became friends. A year ago, Stan died after a battle with Parkinson’s disease.

The God Box
July 30, 2020

Phillipians 4:6  Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7 Do not be anxious, Karen!

Going to Back to School During Uncertain Times
July 27, 2020

By Jennifer V. Miller I’m looking at a photo from my eldest child’s first day of kindergarten. In it, his big brown eyes shine with anticipation as he proudly climbs the steps of the school bus, ready to embark on an exciting adventure.
