Wildflower Project

Wildflower Project

Amelia MacDougal: The Nurture of Nature

March 25, 2019

 We all know the benefits being in nature offers us.  Even just visualizing a warm sunny day, can evoke a feeling of warmth, of nurturing or of peace within.  Why then do we not go there first for healing, for stress release, or reconnecting and grounding.
We have this beautiful gift of nature that we don't necessarily utilize for our healing.  Amelia MacDougal is the founder of Seeds Of Love Creations and is passionate about guiding us all to reconnect, to allow ourselves to be open and instinctively led to finding our medicine in nature.
"My passion for healing through nature was sparked while I was working as a pharmacist, as my eyes were opened, through both my personal experience and that of the people I was caring for, to the widespread impact of stress in our lives, and the failure of our medical system to truly make us well."


