White Memorial Presbyterian Church: Raleigh, NC

White Memorial Presbyterian Church: Raleigh, NC

Latest Episodes

Confession and Prayer: Keys to Faithful Living
July 31, 2019

July 28, 2019 sermon by Christopher Edmonston

Polite or Prophetic? Why We Follow Jesus and Not Martha Stewart
July 16, 2019

July 14, 2019 sermon by Grier Richards

Learning How to Forgive One Another
July 09, 2019

July 7, 2019 sermon by Gloria Johnson

Submission, (mis)Understanding, and Differences Over the Bible
July 01, 2019

June 30, 2019 sermon by Christopher Edmonston

Paradoxes of Christian Freedom
June 25, 2019

June 23, 2019 sermon by Christopher Edmonston

Trinity Sunday and the Great Challenge of our Time
June 18, 2019

June 16, 2019 sermon by Christopher Edmonston

There’s a Swelling in the Belly of the World
June 04, 2019

June 2, 2019 sermon by Grier Richards

Hospitality, “Homecoming,” and Reverence
May 29, 2019

May 26, 2019 sermon by Christopher Edmonston

The Most Beautiful Verses of the Bible?
May 21, 2019

May 19, 2019 sermon by Christopher Edmonston

Lamb as Shepherd
May 16, 2019

May 12, 2019 sermon by Christopher Edmonston
