The Whiskey Rebellion – Loaded Dice Network

The Whiskey Rebellion – Loaded Dice Network

Whiskey Rebellion Episode IV: #EriaduNights

December 22, 2014


What Happens on Eriadu....
When last we left them, Gha Zissk, (known as Andrew to some) was drawing his blaster in a crowded Eriadu Cantina when a bunch of Stormtroopers came looking for him and his friends.  With several failed stealth checks, the odds are not in our heroes favor, but....never tell us the odds.  See if we make it out alive (or this will be a real short podcast.....) and see what hijinx Dr. Wu gets in on the way.  What sacrifices will be made?  What parties will be thrown? What selfies will be taken?


Cast of Characters:
The GM - Evan LoadedDice (

Cal Maverick, Human Smuggler Pilot, Captain of the Spruce Bantha- Kevin LoadedDice (

Dr. Wu, Ryn, formerly of the Jawas, legend in his own mind-  Ted

Gha Zissk, Trandoshan Bounty Hunter Assassin, Hater of Wookies - Andrew

Fuhrry Behr, Wookiee Hired Gun Mercenary Soldier, All Around Nice Guy- Dubs LoadedDice (

Billy Bob Wamprat, Human Explorer Survivalist, Swamp Critter of Dagobah- Gretchen (Mrs. LoadedDice).

R2-MO, Droid Technician Slicer, Very Sad Robot - Josh from The Last Bender (



