When Everything Goes Wrong

When Everything Goes Wrong

How To Protect Our Children From Predators How to Protect Our Children From Predators

January 25, 2022
How To Protect Our Children From Predators

This is a re release of one of our most listened to episodes. How to protect our children from predators is on so many peoples minds lately. Abductions, law enforcement stings, and predator circles are all in the news too often.

Dr Anna Salter is our nations top psychologist fighting this horrible problem. Her story is captivating, terrifying, and hope bringing all at once. She gives us insight and actions to take as parents and caretakers.

As a professional protector, childhood predation is a hot button for me. Children are innocent. Childhood sexual attacks are the most under-reported crimes in our nation. It is the same worldwide. Children and families are targeted, groomed, and ultimately used and controlled by predators. These are almost never random strangers. Almost always, they are close family members, friends, teachers, religious leaders, or someone that is very trusted. 

The fact that the family is also targeted and groomed by the predator comes to a surprise and shock to many people. The famous line “that could never happen to me/us” is a sad admission of ignorant bliss by far too many.

One out of four girls are a victim of sexual predation and one out of six boys. Please listen, consider, and think about the circle of people in your life. Talk to your kids. Make your home and yourself a safe place for your children to talk and confide in. They deserve our protection.

Many resources are available for families to help protect their children. Click here for the link to the Department of Justice Sexual Offender database. You can search your area to see if there are any registered offenders nearby. The problem is, if you listen to the podcast, most predators are not caught.

If you need immediate or further help, please reach out to your local law enforcement.

If you need help they cannot provide, email us at info@fcssecurityanddefense.com, or call us at 877-474-6050

Let us know what you think about this episode. Thank you!

