When Everything Goes Wrong

When Everything Goes Wrong

Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting

January 26, 2017

Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting
Source: Accused Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooter said Government Was 'Controlling His Mind': FBI - ABC News

Esteban Santiago is the individual responsible for the Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting. Some quick facts about Santiago:

* Born in New Jersey but raised in Puerto Rico where he joined the National Guard in 2007
* Served in Iraq for one year and was reportedly discharged from the Alaska Army National Guard for unsatisfactory performance
* Santiago voluntarily went into the FBI office in Anchorage in November of 2016 "telling agents he was hearing voices and being directed by a US intelligence agency to watch ISIS videos". FBI turned info over to local law enforcement and he voluntarily submitted himself to a mental health eval
* Family said he was a changed man after Iraq, claiming that he had visions and voices in his head
* He sold all of his possessions and flew to Ft. Lauderdale with only his pistol as checked luggage. On Friday, January 6, 2017 Santiago shot 11 people in the Ft. Lauderdale International Airport baggage claim area, killing five. The FBI has currently not ruled out terrorism.

The worst airport shooting in US history
I've purposefully waited to release an episode on this event to see what further information came out. There are so many directions that this conversation can go. Do we talk about mental illness of our veterans as well as others? Can we discuss the FBI and their possible dropping the proverbial ball with Santiago?

As the first mass shooting of 2017, we will talk mostly about how we as a nation should react to this. As with most people the question for many is how can we ensure our safety?

To be very clear, your safety is your responsibility. Getting back to the basics of readiness is the first step you should take. Awareness, readiness and having a plan can do the very best for you and yours.

What SHOULD the results of this be? My opinion only here. NOT further restrictions on gun transportation. When you give up freedoms for security, freedom almost always loses. What the you ask?

Get serious about the mental illness problem in this country. Do NOT throw all veterans into the "watch and worry" group as many are attempting already. We need to get better at watching for signs of serious illness.

Significant improvement on identifying the homegrown terrorist networks and support systems. This is the new reality for our nation. We must accept this truth and adjust our thinking appropriately. As a nation vigilance is the only response. What does this look like?

* Increased LEO presence in "soft target areas"
* Possible arming of TSA???
* Open up "armed carry" for all LEO's. It takes a good guy with a gun...

We are Full Circle Systems Security & Defense
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by clicking here. Also, you can call us toll free at 1-877-474-6050. Don't let another day go by without a good plan in place and trained people. We are here to serve you.
