When Everything Goes Wrong

When Everything Goes Wrong

Entire Bunker Hill Indiana Police Department Resigns

December 16, 2016

Entire Bunker Hill Indiana Police Department Resigns
This is just a couple of days after our episode dealing with the hypothetical of this situation. The entire Bunker Hill Indiana Police Department resigns. Read the article and details on your own, but this puts a bite of reality on our previous show.

* Delayed law enforcement response time
* People having to wait on authorities in varied situations
* Your personal protection is on you as law enforcement is truly reactive as opposed to proactive

This small town has some deep issues to look into and fix. If even half of these allegations are true, there needs to be a clearing out of leadership.
Entire Bunker Hill, Indiana Police Department resigns, citing pressure by town council members to 'do illegal, unethical, and immoral things,' in addition to a blatant lack of support for officer safety
Source: Lost law and order: Indiana police force walks of job | Fox News Video

Fr you and your family, take your safety and protection seriously. Law enforcement cannot "save" you. Look at your own awareness, readiness and have a plan. For many situations. Do not be paranoid. Just be ready.
We are Full Circle Systems Security & Defense
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us by clicking here. Also, you can call us toll free at 1-877-474-6050. Don't let another day go by without a good plan in place and trained people. We are here to serve you.
