When Everything Goes Wrong

When Everything Goes Wrong

Prepared or Unprepared – Personal Protection Plan: Part 1

November 02, 2016

Prepared or Unprepared
The difference between being prepared or unprepared is vital to you. When it comes to awareness and personal security and protection, we don't think about that often. If at all. For most of us that live in a state of relative safety and security, this is a very good thing. It means that we don't have a fear of harm or injury in our daily lives.

The danger is that this reality makes most of us very complacent.

Understanding that bad things can and do happen help turn a complacent mind into a prepared mind. To better explain this, let's take a closer look at the differences of prepared or unprepared people. Remember, this is relating to awareness and security.
Unprepared people are the most vulnerable in hostile and violent situations. These individuals have generally never allowed themselves to consider taking responsibility for their own awareness and security. Besides, that is what the police are for, right? To keep it simple for this episode, we will look at the reaction of an unprepared person to this kind of situation:

* Unable to comprehend the event slows the reaction. The person has a very hard time with the thought that something bad is actually happening to them. This is a huge danger to them, those in their care, and possibly others around them.
* Freeze, flight or fight response. The unprepared and untrained (or poorly trained) person typically falls into one of these three responses. They do this without thinking, and by all three can be a danger to themselves or those around them. The react without thought to anyone else
* Inability to later contend with having gone through a bad situation. In other words, they tend to live as a victim and have difficulty getting back to normal.

While these are understandable reactions, they are many times unnecessary. By preparing yourself for the possibility of hostility and violence, you can avoid and overcome these responses.
Being prepared as related to your Personal Security Plan means that you actually have one. A plan that is. If you know that bad things can and do happen, then they might happen to you. No one wants that. Real life events rarely announce themselves. When a person least expects it is usually when something takes place. With this in mind, here is a picture of prepared awareness and security:

* Acceptance of the situation. While everyone has a moment of alarm at an unannounced event, a prepared person can recover from this very quickly. This allows them to understand and accept the fact that the event is actually happening to them.
* Assess the event. What is happening? Where is it happening? Who is it happening to? What can you do, or what do you need to do? What items do you have around you that can help?
* Take Action. Deescalate, move, hide, fight if you can and you must. Help someone else if you can.  Depending on the situation or event, being prepared gives you at least a few options. Most of all, you are able to think and be proactive.
* Alert for help. If needed and you are able, alert the police, fire department, security, or others.

As you can see, a prepared mindset give you better options. It also allows you to consider situations and possibilities before they happen. This is not to make you live in fear or hide under your bed all day. This is to empower you to live confidently and be resilient in your life.

