When Everything Goes Wrong

When Everything Goes Wrong

Ben Taub Hospital Shooting

October 07, 2016

Ben Taub Hospital Shooting
Credit abc13.com

An off duty deputy working at the Ben Taub Hospital in Houston Texas shot an inmate holding a medical student hostage. Full article linked below.
A deputy shot and wounded an inmate receiving care in Houston's Ben Taub Hospital Thursday morning after the patient obtained an 'edged weapon' and held it to a medical student's throat, according to a Houston Chronicle report.
Source: Deputy shoots inmate in Ben Taub Hospital who held med student hostage

* The inmate, Ricky Lynn Hall, was in the hospital for evaluation after having seizures. Mr. Hall seized a female medical student and help a "sharp edged object" to her neck.
* An off duty deputy working at the hospital heard the medical student screaming from the floor above.
* Mr. Hall said he would kill the student if the security guard didn't shoot him.
* The security guard shot him

So, this sounds like the inmate wanted "death by cop". The security guard (deputy) shot twice, at least got him once. Mr. Hall went through surgery and is reportedly still alive. Quite a few questions come up from this incident.

* Why was the medical student alone with an unrestrained inmate? Or, was she?
* Was any other security or persons in the room with her?
* How did the inmate get a "sharp edged object"?

More questions than this will surface. Hospital violence is on the rise. Do you know what policies and procedures your facility have? Are your security guards armed? Is the training provided adequate? Is the hospital staff comfortable with the training that is provided?

See, lots of questions. Violence exists. This is a fact. Instead of being reactionary to it, make a plan, implement the plan and practice the plan.

We do not rise to the occasion, we fall to our base level of training. Let's all learn from the Ben Taub Hospital shooting.

Stay safe.
