When Everything Goes Wrong

When Everything Goes Wrong

Movement Equals Life

November 07, 2018

 Movement Equals Life
This episode is probably not for you. But it could be.

So, who is it for then?

For the person, the man or woman who has sat on the sidelines, for too long.
For the one who feels in their bones that life has more to offer than you have experienced so far.

The one who doesn’t want regret to creep up on you like a thief at the end of your life, pointy that hard, cold finger and asking you why? Why didn’t you do more? Why weren’t you ready for what life gave you? Why did you let yourself and others down?

Is that you? If so, listen on..
First, a question, what do you want?

What do people want?
According to HuffPo


Most people expect good things to happen

And rightly so, no one expects or looks forward to hardship or discomfort
So, why are the things on the list above seemingly unachievable for most people?

And, since they are seemingly unachievable, what does this do to you as a person? To your outlook and mindset?

Here is the difficulty. Life happens. A certain level of discomfort is necessary to be able to handle certain issues that life throws us. Whether we like it or not.

* You can stumble and fall.
* Get in an argument.
* Lose your keys.
* Break a nail.
* Get a cold.
* Forget your lunch.
* Rip your pants.
* Be lied about.
* Have something of yours taken or stolen.
* Spill a drink.
* Get in a car wreck.
* Need to take a test.
* Get a ticket.
* Dog ate your homework.
* Experience the death of someone you are close to.
* Need someone to believe you.
* Get sick.
* Run out of money
* Get a migraine.
* Lose a friendship.
* Have to weather a storm (real or proverbial)
* May have to run for your life.
* Could be faced with defending someone.
* Be in a real no win situation.

As you can already tell, this list could go on forever. In no way is it exhaustive. Some of these things are common. Some are not as common. The thing that ties them all together is that all are possible. So, looking at these things, some of these you are ready for dealing with immediately.
