What's Your Theory?

What's Your Theory?

Latest Episodes

Dig and Discuss: Gentleman Jack
July 18, 2019

It’s the 19th Century, not the easiest time for a young lesbian to follow her heart and try to marry her girlfriend. Jeff Salzman of Daily Evovler.com returns to WYT to discuss the Modern, Post-Modern, Traditional,

The Secret Teachings of All Ages w/ Mitch Horowitz
June 15, 2019

Well, that was a pretty damn awesome way for me to spend an hour. I am a huge fan of Manly P. Hall’s magnum opus, “The Secret Teachings of All Ages,” and to get to dig into it with Mitch Horowitz, author, lecturer, leading expert on esoterica,

What is the Project for the Future?
June 06, 2019

What is the Project for the Future? And are the youngest generations up to the task? Let’s hope so because the future is their’s one way or the other. Jeremy Johnson returns to discuss the Anthropocene era (now) when humans have become the first ever f...

“UFOs Exist and…”
May 31, 2019

Why is the US Department of Defense suddenly admitting the reality of UFOs? Why has the Post, the NY Times, and other mainstream media outlets suddenly changed the way they report on UFOs? Is this a prelude to Full Disclosure?

Game of Thrones Decompression.
May 27, 2019

Or should that be “Decomposing?” Hmm… Here is a fun talk I had with Jeremy Johnson on the last episode and last season of Game of Thrones.  Much like our talks on Westworld Season 2, this conversation took place immediately after the finale aired and r...

What’s Your Theory… Now?
May 25, 2019

Well, I’m back!  Sorry about the long hiatus, but you know how it is with producing free media like this… sometimes you have to back burner it. But I never stopped thinking about the show and now, “What’s Your Theory?” is back.

Danielle Eubank – One Artist/Five Oceans
October 02, 2018

So, I’ve promised more interviews with interesting people who are working to raise our collective level of consciousness, to add some provocative beauty to the present and provide some spiritual fuel to help us all move toward the best future we can bu...

Blade Runners
September 08, 2018

In this episode, Steve is blown away by “Blade Runner 2049″ and Jeremy D. Johnson offers his usual fascinating insights and observations – plus a short but flawless Harrison Ford impression (around the 55 minute mark),

Watch and React – “Groundhog Day”
September 01, 2018

Ever feel like every day is the same and nothing you do matters?  Really? Hmm… well, maybe we should talk about this…   Jeff Salzman of DailyEvolver.com returns for an Integral Chat where we watch and react to the 1993 classic of comedy, romance,

2001: A Space Odyssey 5Oth Anniversary Deep Dive
July 27, 2018

As a podcast dedicated to Culture and Consciousness Evolution, it really makes sense to celebrate the 50th birthday of one the biggest cultural touchstones of consciousness evolution in the mass communication era by talking it all over with Jeremy D.
