What's with the Pineapple?

What's with the Pineapple?

Ep. 8 - Three-Legged Stool of Misery

May 20, 2022

Mental Health Awareness Month takes center stage in today's episode as Justin and Emily welcome Mickey Bakst, Co-Founder & Executive Director of Ben's Friends, a support group for members of the food and beverage industry battling substance abuse and addiction. Mickey shares the history of Ben's Friends, the experience one can expect from being a part of it, how operators can support their teams on the subject, and how to set up a local chapter. As a Michigan native, Mickey tells stories from his time running Tapawingo and Tribute Restaurant. Emily carries most of the show this week as Justin drags himself to the mic after staying out past 11PM (gasp!) on a Wednesday. Why? It's an immersive story that you'll have to tune in to hear. The two (again, mostly Emily) also set a record for most topics covered in an episode as they analyze new operational data for the industry, Starbucks (again), the inevitable robot takeover, the time Justin shredded his boss' bill proposal, and so, so much more.

For more information about Ben's Friends and how to get involved, visit bensfriendshope.com/
