What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood

What Fresh Hell: Laughing in the Face of Motherhood

Latest Episodes

Our Goals for This Year – Episode 86
January 02, 2019

New year, new datebook, some very familiar goals. But this is the year we make things HAPPEN. At least sometimes. In this episode we discuss what we hope to accomplish in 2019- as moms, as friends, as people who exercise once in a while.

Live Show Bonus! Episode 85
December 26, 2018

This episode was recorded live at the Chappaqua Performing Arts Center on Dec 1, 2018. We book live shows into theaters around the country as well as smaller custom events for PTAs and moms’ groups. To find out more: info@whatfreshhellpodcast.com

Holiday Traditions: The Good, The Bad, The Wish-We-Never-Started – Episode 84
December 19, 2018

What are the holiday traditions that work great for your family? What are the things you kind of dread but can't stop now? Here’s how to create a holiday season that works for everyone- including those of us who do most of Santa’s heavy lifting.

How Not To Go Insane in the Winter – Episode 83
December 12, 2018

Everyone’s energy levels get depleted during the winter. But parents with low batteries also have to deal with cranky kids who’ve watched way too many YouTube videos and who probably should have gotten outside but it’s 4:35 pm and dark as deep space.

Sometimes We Lose It (with guests Heather Turgeon and Julie Wright) – Episode 82
December 05, 2018

Sometimes we lose it. And while yelling kinda feels good in the moment, afterwards? Not so much. But studies show that trying to clamp down on anger actually makes us MORE angry. Here’s how to recognize our parental triggers in time to control them.

Saying No When Other Parents are Saying Yes – Episode 81
November 28, 2018

How should we handle group situations where we have different parenting styles? When our particular rules around bedtimes, screens, curfews, or sugar are up against more lax rules (or none at all)? Here’s how to talk it out with everyone beforehand.

Are We Oversharing On Social Media? – Episode 80
November 21, 2018

We all know parents who chronicle their baby’s every bathtime, give their toddlers hashtags, and air their tween’s hurt feelings on social media. We don’t do *that*…but what are the long-term ramifications for our kids’ privacy when we press SHARE?

Listener Questions – Episode 79
November 14, 2018

We answer a few of our listeners’ most pressing questions: on comforting a really fussy baby, preparing a toddler for a new arrival, and dealing with siblings who squabble constantly. Send us your questions! info@whatfreshhellpodcast.com

How Little Parenting Can We Get Away With? (with guest James Breakwell) – Episode 78
November 07, 2018

How little parenting can we get away with? Is doing less better—or at least good enough? We talk backing off on what our kids wear, what they eat, and what they do all day with James Breakwell, author of the hilarious new book Bare Minimum Parenting.

Dinosaurs and Trains and Superheroes and Nerf Guns: Boy Obsessions – Episode 77
October 31, 2018

Why are some little boys so obsessed with trains or dinosaurs? Psychologists call these preschool preoccupations “extremely intense interests,” and they’re much more common among boys than girls. Here’s why boys love the things they love so dearly.
