AromaThrive with Lisa

AromaThrive with Lisa

Breathe into Spring - for Good Health

March 20, 2020

With all that's happening in the world, did you even notice that Spring has come?  It will be followed by a new moon on March 24, which inspires new ideas - it's a good time to plant seeds (goals, ideas) during a new moon that you wish to see come to harvest in 28 days, or even fall.  In this episode I encourage you to B R E A T H E, it can help you relieve stress. I'll walk you thru two breathing exercises, including breath of fire. And, will also offer ideas for grounding and centering - and re-imagining your life, as you may be staying home a lot more often, as so many of us are, during these interesting times. The essential oils & related items I recommend is this podcast  Raven, a respiratory-supporting blend of ravintsara, eucalyptus, wintergreen, lemon and peppermint, and Thieves - both of these oils come in the great-value 'Premium Starter Kit' of 12 oils + diffuser. And - since we're washing hands more than ever - some luxurious foaming hand soaps - in two aromas, lavender and Thieves.  You can order these and other all-natural, therapeutic-grade essential oils + infused products at
