Wellness in China

Wellness in China

Alan Leung of Olive Branch Fitness

April 12, 2016

Welcome back everyone to another episode of the Wellness in China podcast. This week on the show I speak with one of Shanghai’s premier health and fitness personalities, and a good buddy of mine, Mr. Alan Leung. Alan is the owner of Olive Branch, a boutique fitness studio in downtown Shanghai. In both small group classes and private one-to-one training, Alan and the Olive Branch team focus on using high-intensity protocols, combined with nutritional counselling, to help people develop a fit body, optimized mindset and healthy lifestyle. Since opening, Alan and his team have worked with celebrities, state officials, competitive athletes and many more. Of particular note, Alan was chosen as the head trainer for the Miss Universe China competition, so of course I had to ask him how he landed the gig and what the experience was like. Olive Branch is Alan’s first entrepreneurial venture, and I asked him to share with me why he made the transition and what challenges he encountered as he moved from an uninspired and draining career, into one of passion, excitement and fulfillment. We also discuss the personal journey that led him to hitting rock-bottom, and the things he did to turn his life around. Uncertainty is another issue we get in to. It’s such a common problem for entrepreneurs, and it can be so frustrating wanting to push forward, but not really knowing how or in what area to do so. I probe Alan to share his experiences with uncertainty as he pushed forward in building his first business. Another thing that any entrepreneur must embrace is building connections, also known as networking. We discuss our mutual disdain for how networking has traditionally been approached, and alan shares with me how doing what he loves has not only made it easier to network, but has allowed him to do so on a much more genuine basis, which unsurprisingly has made his efforts in that department much more effective. Finally, Alan and I discuss the potential for personal growth that entrepreneurship represents, which helps him maintain a healthy perspective when the going gets tough. Of course, I ask Alan a number of advice-based questions and he did not disappoint. Whether your a health and wellness practitioner, an aspiring entrepreneur, or simply someone who’s trying to better themselves in any way, you’ll definitely want to check out this podcast and hear the great stories and advice that Alan has to share. So without further ado, please enjoy my conversation with the Founder of Olive Branch Fitness, Mr. Alan Leung.
