The Web Video Marketing Show

The Web Video Marketing Show

#26: Creating Great Information Products with Jules Watkins

March 14, 2014

On this week's Web Video Marketing Show podcast, Ryan talks to Jules Watkins about how to create cutting-edge video information products. And so, if you're thinking about creating your own video information products, keep listening.

As ever, you can read more at the Dream Engine website: ‎

Jules is the creator of iPhone Video Hero, which is an online course that helps people create great-looking promotional videos on their iPhones.

Episode Notes:

1. "Where have you been?"/Episode Introduction [0:33]. Ryan explains where the Web Video Marketing Show has been hiding in 2014, and introduces his next guest.

2. From Then to Now [1:30]. Jules explains his broadcast TV background, and why he made the switch to creating information products.

3. Where it all began [4:41]. Jules describes how he began down the information product pathway - a blog about the Flip video camera - and how it lead to his first lot of online income.

4. How to Leverage the Power of a Brand [13:22]. How do you identify a force to leverage? What makes a good product a great opportunity?

5. Learning How to Market Products [17:57]. Ryan and Jules discuss iPhone Video Hero, and the important lessons Jules had to learn to market his videos effectively. Was it trial-and-error? Was it just copying what other people do?

6. List Building for Dummies [24:33]. How did Jules build his list to sell his information product? Here, he explains his approach to selling his product to his audience, building his image, and appealing to his target market.

7. "Focus": The Be-All and End-All [35:19]. Jules details the lessons he had to learn about focusing on the value he can create for other people, how he could keep his ideas "lean" and nail what's important to his audience.

8. Benefitting from Trends [42:22]. One savvy way to sell your information product is to identify a trend early, and come along for the ride. Jules details how.
