The Lighthouse Podcast

The Lighthouse Podcast

Latest Episodes

#14: Startup Stories - From MVP to Techstars With Stan Mcleod from Headliner
February 22, 2016

Stan talks about his startup journey, creating two business in five years which took them from humble beginnings to graduating Techstars in 2015

#13: How To Use Prototyping To Get Instant, Meaningful Feedback From Your Customers
February 08, 2016

Dan and Tom talk about how to chat to customers and get awesome feedback on your product. What should you be asking? Where can you find your users and much more...

#12: How to Spend Your Time on the Right Startup Ideas with Howard Gray
January 25, 2016

We chatted with Rozel Studio founder Howard Gray about how to evaluate your startup ideas and choose which are the best ones to test and launch

#11: Three Simple Steps To Self-Starting Your Idea
January 12, 2016

What are the steps needed to get your startup idea out of your head and into the real world? Follow these three simple steps to start engaging with your audience and learning about your product without the need for any technical knowledge

#10: The Lighthouse Christmas Show and 2015 Roundup
December 29, 2015

We all sat around and talked about our high and lowlights of 2015 as well as our wishes for 2016. There's also a tense vote for the internal results of the Best Christmas Card competition.

#9: Coin: The Birth of a Side Project
December 14, 2015

Russ chats to Tom about Coin, a side project he set up in early 2015. He discusses where it's at now, where it might go and what problems it needs to overcome in the future.

#8: How To Be Your Own Worst Client: The Story of Re-designing Our Website
November 30, 2015

As part of our hack day trip to Bath we got round a table and talked about the recent re-design of the Lighthouse website. There were laughs, there were tears, there was authentic rural background noise.

#7: Totally Wired: Project Planning and Prototyping With Wireframes
November 18, 2015

How do we use these simple tools for great learning in design and build projects? Where do wireframes end and prototypes start? We're not sure we have all the answers but we gives it our best shot!

#6: Left Hand Green: Should You Play Twister in Kick-off Meetings?
September 21, 2015

Kick off meetings, are they the best meetings? Everyone’s so positive and excited. Russ and Dan immerse themselves in these most cherished moments in the client/agency relationship, the bit before anything’s gone wrong.

#5: Designer Origins: Our Paths From Low To Pro
September 13, 2015

Russ & Tom learnt design over 10 years apart, in this week's podcast they discuss how they started their careers and how things done changed.
