Heads Apart?

Heads Apart?

Trump v Biden: Who’s best for Britain?

November 02, 2020

This edition of our Heads Apart? podcast explores what the US election could mean for the UK. We are joined by Kate Andrews, Economics Correspondent at The Spectator, and Brendan O’Neill, Editor of spiked.

We also speak to the Mayor of Tees Valley, Ben Houchen, for a Deep Dive about coronavirus, government missteps in the course of the pandemic and the future of devolution.

Included are some highlights from our programme of events at Conservative Party Conference 2020 and researcher Andrew Leming provides an insight into Bright Blue’s recent report Going greener? Public attitudes to net zero.

Music credit: Lights by Sappheiros and Storybook & Upbeat Party by Scott Holmes

Presented by: Joseph Silke and Phoebe Arslanagić-Wakefield  | Produced by: Joseph Silke

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